SplitApp master view button issue


I have a problem with the master view icon of SplitApp – on my PC and on tablet (android) I can see navigation button that is placed automatically above detail view when the master view is hidden.

enter image description here

But on my smartphone this icon is not displayed , so when I navigate to one of the views, master view disappears, and I can't navigate to other detail views.

enter image description here

I've tried to place navigation button to create force navigation, and again, on PC and tablet this button works fine, but not on the smartphone (the button is rendered, but when I press it nothing heppens).

How do I solve this issue?


Here is my SplitApp main view.

And here is this view's controller.

Also, here is how I return sap.m.Page from the view.

Best Answer

SplitApp maintains two NavContainers if runs in tablet and one NavContainer in phone. This means you cannot see navigation button for mobile device (especially in portrait mode). You can use showMaster/hideMaster/backMaster methods to achieve this for now. You can use sap.ui.unified to achieve this upto some extent. I think UI5 team is working on this issue and may fix in the future updates.

Thanks, prodeveloper

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