Spring-mvc – Spring Security – Programmatic login without a password


I am trying to perform an automatic login when the user clicks a link in their email with Spring Security.

I have seen a lot of examples to perform a programmatic login like the following:

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);
try {
    Authentication auth = authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
    repository.saveContext(SecurityContextHolder.getContext(), request, response);
    rememberMeServices.loginSuccess(request, response, auth);

The problem I see is that I do not have the original password so I can't create a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken. Any other way to login the user if I do not have the plain text password (I have the one that is encoded)?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Be careful that you know what you are doing in terms of allowing login from a link within an email. SMTP is not a secure protocol and so it is typically bad to rely on someone having an email as a form of authentication.

You do not need to use the AuthenticationManager if you already know they are authenticated. Instead you can just set the Authentication directly as shown below:

Authentication authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null,

If you want a complete example, you can refer to the SignupController in the secure mail application that was the basis for Getting Started with Spring Security 3.1 (InfoQ video of presentation).