SQL 2008 Reporting Services Authentication


In SQL 2005 Reporting services we were able to spoof a user when calling a report. This doesn't seem to work in 2008 and the technet articles that appear relevant seem to be implying that you need to create a seperate security extension( Technet Article )if you're wanting to expose reports to the internet. Is this what people are using in production? Or is this simpler than I'm makint it out to be?

Best Answer

Not sure what you mean by "spoof a user".

Every version of SSRS to date has used Windows Authentication as the default (and in fact the only "out of the box") authentication scheme. If you wanted to do Forms Authentication you have always had to write your own Custom Authentication Module.

I have done both in Production environments depending on the situation, and their sample is a very good place to start building your own custom auth module