Sql – AWS Athena (Presto) OFFSET support


I would like to know if there is support for OFFSET in AWS Athena. For mysql the following query is running but in athena it is giving me error. Any example would be helpful.

select * from employee where empSal >3000 LIMIT 300 OFFSET 20

Best Answer

Athena is basically managed Presto. Since Presto 311 you can use OFFSET m LIMIT n syntax or ANSI SQL equivalent: OFFSET m ROWS FETCH NEXT n ROWS ONLY.

You can read more in Beyond LIMIT, Presto meets OFFSET and TIES.

For older versions (and this includes AWS Athena as of this writing), you can use row_number() window function to implement OFFSET + LIMIT.

For example, instead of

SELECT * FROM elb_logs
OFFSET 5 LIMIT 5 -- this doesn't work, obviously

You can execute

    SELECT row_number() over() AS rn, * FROM elb_logs)

Note: the execution engine will still need to read offset+limit rows from the underlying table, but this is still much better than sending all these rows back to the client and taking a sublist there.

Warning: see https://stackoverflow.com/a/45114359/65458 for explanation why avoiding OFFSET in queries is generally a good idea.

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