Sql – Can SQL Server 2005 Express perform full backups

backupsql server

I need some help for executing my planned backup strategy.

My database is about 1 gig in size.
I want to perform a full backup once per week, and incremental every hour.

Is all of this built into SQL Server 2005 Express?

Is it possible to roll over the backups so I only keep 1 months of backups?

Meaning the full weekly backup has 1 for each week, on the 5th week it writes over the oldest full backup.

Best Answer

You can do it, it's just harder.

You don't have maintenence plans, but that doesn't matter becuase they often cause more headaches than they solve. You will want to script the backup yourself.

The other issue is you won't have the SQL Server Agent, which is used for scheduling your scripts. You can solve this by using sqlcmd and the windows scheduler.