Sql-server – Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS” and “Latin1_General_CI_AS” in the equal to operation

collationsql servertsql

I have the following query:

DISTINCT(po.SONumber) AS [Sales Order No_],
 po.PONumber AS PoNo, ph.[Buy-from Vendor No_] AS VendorNo, 
 ph.[Pay-to Name], ph.[Document Date], 'Ship-to Name' = 
 CASE WHEN sh.[Ship-to Name] > '' THEN sh.[Ship-to Name] ELSE sih.[Ship-to Name] END, 
 'Ship-to Post Code' = CASE WHEN sh.[Ship-to Post Code] > '' THEN sh.[Ship-to Post Code] ELSE sih.[Ship-to Post Code] END, 
 sh.DeliveryPhoneNo AS [Delivery Phone No], 'CustomerPriceGroup' = CASE WHEN sh.[Customer Price Group] > '' THEN sh.[Customer Price Group] ELSE sih.[Customer Price Group] END, 
 'DeliveryComment' = CASE WHEN sh.[Delivery Comment] > '' THEN sh.[Delivery Comment] ELSE sih.[Delivery Comment] END, 
 'GiftMessage' = CASE WHEN sh.[GiftMessage] > '' THEN sh.[GiftMessage] ELSE sih.[GiftMessage] END, 
 si.Shipped, si.ShippedDate, si.CourierID 

 NavisionMeta.dbo.PoToSo po, 
 [Crocus Live$Purchase Header] ph, 
 [Crocus Live$Purchase Line] pl, 
 [Crocus Live$Sales Header] sh, 
 [Crocus Live$Sales Invoice Header] sih, 
 NavisionMeta.dbo.SupplierInput si 

 WHERE po.PONumber = ph.[No_] AND 
 ph.[No_] = pl.[Document No_] AND 
 po.SONumber *= sh.No_ AND 
 po.SONumber *= sih.[Order No_] AND 
 po.PONumber *= si.PONo AND 
 ph.[Document Date] BETWEEN '01-01-10' AND '31-01-10' 


When it executes, I get the following error:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict
and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the
equal to operation.

The collation of the NavisionMeta database is SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS

What can I do to fix this??

Best Answer

If a and b are two columns you are comparing, and a is with collation SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_AS, and b is with an other, you can say

 WHERE a = b COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_AS

This transforms b to the specified collation, and then compares it with a.