Sql – Can’t see win2k8 server by hostname, but can see it by IP


We have set up a Windows 2008 server with MS SQL 2005 (default instance), if we try to connect using the MS SQL Server Management Studio using the server hostname it is failing.

if we use localhost or it's IP it is working.

We have added the server hostname to the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc) but this didn't solve the problem (tried point to and it's actual IP (

The IP configuration is set to point to itself as Default Gateway And DNS server.

I've found related question here:
Can’t see win2k8 server by hostname, but can see it by IP
and something similar here:
MySQL can't see Server if hosts contain both and ::1: entries

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Best Regards

Best Answer

From our experience, SSMS-2005 won't work with SS-2008 by name. Use SSMS-2008 or SS-2000 Query Analyser.