Sql – Core Data Query slow


What's the secret to pulling up items that match characters typed into the search bar that react instantaneously? For instance, if I type in a letter "W" in the search bar, all phrases that contain a letter "W" in any character position within the phrase are returned immediately.

So if a database of 20,000 phrases contains 500 phrases with the letter "W", they would appear as soon as the user typed the first character. Then as additional characters are typed, the list would automatically gets shorter.

I can send query's up to a SQL server from the iPhone and get this type of response, however, no matter what we try and taking the suggestions of other users, we still can't get good response time when storing the database locally on the iPhone.

I know that this performance is available, because there are many other apps out there that display results as soon as you start typing.

Please note that this isn't the same as indexing all words in every phrase, as this only will bring up matches where the word starts with the character typed in. In this case, we're looking for characters within words.

Best Answer

I think asynchronous results filtering is the answer. Instead of updating the search results every time the user types a new character, put the db query on a background thread when the first character is typed. If a new character is typed before the query is finished, cancel the old query and start a new one. Finally, you will get to the point where the user stops typing long enough for the query to return. That way, the query itself never blocks the user's typing.

I believe the UISearchDisplayController class offers this type of asynchronous search, though whether you want to use that class or just adopt the asynchronous design pattern from it is up to you.

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