Sql-server – Disable hyperlinks when exporting SSRS report to excel

reporting-servicessql server

I am using the ReportViewer control to render some local reports. These reports have some elements that are links to supreports. Some of these elements contain a lot of data ( to be passed as arguments to subreport). The problem is when i export the report to excel, it wont open in excel because of the cell max character limit. I am wondering if its possible to disable/remove certain columns from this report when exporting to excel. I have tried to use the DeviceInfo setting and trying to disable formulas but that did not help much.

many thanks

Best Answer

Although this link is very old, I am adding this answer as it might help someone else coming here (like I came a few days back ;)

Below is property that tells type in which report is rendered.


This property can be used to conditionally set action on textbox, or setting visibility of column as I did.

Please consider that this might not work for older versions of SSRS

Below is link where I detailed how I used this property to disable hyperlinks, when exporting report to SSRS.

http://www.technicalsmile.blogspot.in/2012/10/disable-hyperlinksjavascript-when.html Thanks

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