Sql – Editing Autogenerated DMBL file for WCF Service


In our project we have a standard auto-generated designer.cs file, linked to a DBML file, that contains all our object classes that map onto our database tables.

We want to pass these objects directly through a WCF Service and so they need decorating with the [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes where appropriate. What is the best approach to doing this so the changes won't get wiped out when the designer.cs file is re-generated upon a change to the database scheme or some other change.

Partial classes are an option, but if the property I want to decorate with the DataMember attribute is already defined in the autogenerated designer.cs file then I can't add the same property definition to the partial class as this means the property will have been defined twice.

Best Answer

Setting the DBML serialization mode to unidirectional will decorate the classes and a number of the members with the required attributes however it will ignore some of the associations to avoid circular references that were a problem prior to SP1.

If you want those too check out my LINQ to SQL T4 template that provides full SP1 compatible DataContract attributes (uncomment the line data.SerializationMode = DataContractSP1 in the DataClasses.tt file) as well as letting you customize any other parts of the DBML to C#/VB.NET code generation process.