Sql – From SQL Server to MS Access 2007

ms-accessms-access-2007sql server

Could you recommend a good resource on learning MS Access from the perspective of a developer with a good background in SQL Server.

Also some best practice tips would be welcome, in areas such as

  • multi-user access support
  • security; both the database and the front end Access interface (Forms,Reports)
  • deployment

Basically if you have experience in both SQL Server and MS Access development what best practice advice would you give to your fellow developer with SQL Server experience that needs to develop an application in MS Access (both the database and the front end).

The application in question will be hosted on the server and shared by multiple users (10 to 20). It needs to be written exclusively in MS Access 2007. Data to be accessed with the use of Forms and Reports (no direct access to the tables). There will be 3 different user types – which implies different access rights. All within an Intranet set-up.

I realise that the question is quite broad but I am hopping to use the answers as a good starting point and I will appreciate any input on this

Thank you


Thank you for you answers so far. Just wanted to clarify that in this particular scenario, MS Access is the only option

Best Answer

Unfortunately Access suffers from bad press and hearsay, much of it very out-of-date indeed.

There are some useful notes here:

MS Access 2003 - Good book on learning advanced VBA

Is MS Access (JET) suitable for multiuser access?

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access


There are a number of other useful threads within the ms-access tag, written by people with a fuller experience of Access than seems to be evinced in some of the comments.

I would imagine the main difficulty for someone with SQL-server experience will be adjusting to the more limited Jet/Ace SQL.