Sql – How many users can a 200mb ASP.NET membership database hold

asp.net-membershipsql server

I just purchased an unlimited shared hosting windows account on godaddy with 2 databases only to realise that they have a 200mb limit on SQL Server databases. My website uses the automatically generated ASP.NET 2.0 membership database. The nature of my website (free classifieds) requires the storage of a significant number of users.

Since I'm using the standard ASP.NET membership database that (hopefully) many of you have used before… I was wondering just how many users a 200 mb database could hold?

Best Answer

Depends on your other information in the ASP.NET membership table (applications, roles etc.) - but I did a quick experiment to get a rough idea:

Users      Disk space used on disk (MB)
------      ----------------------------
 5'000                5.5 MB
10'000                8.9 MB
25'000               18.1 MB
50'000               33.8 MB

If you do a rough estimate, this means, with 200 MB limit you should be able to support 250'000 users or more - enough for you?
