Sql – How to change database from SQL Server to Oracle with SubSonic

oraclesql serversubsonic

I write code with SubSonic 2.1.1 and used MSSQL. The project must be run with Oracle now.
I changed web.config, and it does not work. Can someone give me a sample which changes database only – changes web.config with subsonic and the rest doesn't change?

Table name in MSSQL is "Name" but in Oracle is "NAME". Can subsonic
generate "Name" code for oracle?

Best Answer

Based on this question your connections string will need to look like the following (obviously replace xxxxx with your database values):

  <add name="oracle" connectionString="Data Source=xxxxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxxx;Password=xxxxx;" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient"/> 

Re. your second question, Oracle is not case sensitive. See this question for more details