Sql – How to drop SQL default constraint without knowing its name

sqlsql servertsql

In Microsoft SQL Server, I know the query to check if a default constraint exists for a column and drop a default constraint is:

IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysconstraints
  WHERE id=OBJECT_ID('SomeTable')
  AND COL_NAME(id,colid)='ColName'
  AND OBJECTPROPERTY(constid, 'IsDefaultCnst')=1)    

But due to typo in previous versions of the database, the name of the constraint could be DF_SomeTable_ColName or DF_SmoeTable_ColName.

How can I delete the default constraint without any SQL errors? Default constraint names don't show up in INFORMATION_SCHEMA table, which makes things a bit trickier.

So, something like 'delete the default constraint in this table/column', or 'delete DF_SmoeTable_ColName', but don't give any errors if it can't find it.

Best Answer

Expanding on Mitch Wheat's code, the following script will generate the command to drop the constraint and dynamically execute it.

declare @schema_name nvarchar(256)
declare @table_name nvarchar(256)
declare @col_name nvarchar(256)
declare @Command  nvarchar(1000)

set @schema_name = N'MySchema'
set @table_name = N'Department'
set @col_name = N'ModifiedDate'

select @Command = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schema_name + '.[' + @table_name + '] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + d.name
 from sys.tables t
  join sys.default_constraints d on d.parent_object_id = t.object_id
  join sys.columns c on c.object_id = t.object_id and c.column_id = d.parent_column_id
 where t.name = @table_name
  and t.schema_id = schema_id(@schema_name)
  and c.name = @col_name

--print @Command

execute (@Command)