Sql-server – How to enable debugging of stored procedures in visual studio

debuggingsql servervisual studio

Ok, this is driving me nuts.

I've done just about everything I can to enable step through debugging of stored procedures of a sql server 2005 database.



My currents setup:

  1. visual studio 2008 SP1
  2. SQL server 2005 express database (yes you can debug on this)
  3. DEV database on my localmachine with "root" login as sysadmin

All I want to do is right click on a stored proc in my server explorer in VS 2008 and see "step into stored procedure". I've done all I can and I can't see that.
I'm just trying to access a local database on my local machine, I've created an account

Best Answer

What edition of VS2008 are you running? I just checked on Pro and Team System, and I get that option on both; I also have C# Express, and it doesn't give this option. (I don't have Standard, so can't check that one...)

[edit] From the second link you provided (MSDN), on the right-hand side there's a link for VS2008 that indicates it only applies to Pro and Team.