Sql – How to i reduce the number of db round-trips with this Linq2Sql


I've got the following Linq2Sql and it's doing more than one round trip for my 'SELECT' statement. I'm not sure why. First the code, then the explanation:-

from p in db.Questions
select new Models.Question
    Title = p.Title,
    TagList = (from t in p.QuestionTags
               select t.Tag.Name).ToList()

Now the database is

Questions <-one to many-> QuestionTags <-many to one->Tag

so one question has one to many Tags, with a link table in the middle. This way, i can reuse tags multiple times. (I'm open to a better schema if there's one).

Doing this does the following Sql code generated by Linq2Sql

SELECT [t0].[QuestionId] AS [ID], etc....  <-- that's the good one


exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t1].[Name]
FROM [dbo].[QuestionTags] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Tags] AS [t1] ON [t1].[TagId] = [t0].[TagId]
WHERE [t0].[QuestionId] = @x1',N'@x1 int',@x1=1

The second sql block is listed 2x .. i think that's because the first sql block returns TWO results, so the second one is fired for each result from the first.

Is there any way i can make this one sql statement instead of 1 + n, where n = the number of results from the first query?


I've tried both Eager and Lazy loading and there's no difference.

DataLoadOptions dataLoadOptions = new DataLoadOptions();
dataLoadOptions.LoadWith<Question>(x => x.QuestionTags);
dataLoadOptions.LoadWith<QuestionTag>(x => x.Tag);
db.LoadOptions = dataLoadOptions;

Best Answer

The ToList() is definitely holding you back. You should do a ToList() on the whole query.

Another thing that I think you can do is use "let". I think in this case, it can create a delayed execution and be included in the expression tree, but YMMV.

from p in db.Questions
let Tags = (from t in p.QuestionTags
               select t.Tag.Name)
select new Models.Question
    Title = p.Title,
    TagList = Tags