Oracle – How to increase size of GUI/font/everything of Oracle SQL Developer 18.1


I downloaded Windows 64-bit with JDK 8 included of SQL Developer 18.1.

To run Oracle SQL Developed I just unzipped the file and run the sqldeveloper.exe contained in the folder.

Unfortunately, as you can see in the image the size of everything is extremely small and very difficult to see.enter image description here

This issue appears exclusively with this software.

How can I resolve it?

Best Answer

I also faced a similar issue when installed this on Windows 10. The issue has to do with compatibility settings.

I have fixed it following the steps given below:

  1. Get shortcut of sqldeveloper at your desktop
  2. Ensure that you have admin rights in your PC
  3. Right Click on sqldeveloper icon and select Properties.
  4. Go to the Compatibility tab:

    • Compatibility mode change it to windows 7
    • Check the option of Override high DPI scaling beaviour
    • Select "System" in drop down below
  5. Apply
  6. Re-Launch the application