Sql – How to see the SQL that will be generated by a given ActiveRecord query in Ruby on Rails


I would like to see the SQL statement that a given ActiveRecord Query will generate. I recognize I can get this information from the log after the query has been issued, but I'm wondering if there is a method that can be called on and ActiveRecord Query.

For example:

SampleModel.find(:all, :select => "DISTINCT(*)", :conditions => ["`date` > #{self.date}"], :limit => 1, :order => '`date`', :group => "`date`")

I would like to open the irb console and tack a method on the end that would show the SQL that this query will generate, but not necessarily execute the query.

Best Answer

Similar to penger's, but works anytime in the console even after classes have been loaded and the logger has been cached:

For Rails 2:

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_set :@logger, Logger.new(STDOUT)

For Rails 3.0.x:

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

For Rails >= 3.1.0 this is already done by default in consoles. In case it's too noisy and you want to turn it off you can do:

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil