Sql – how to transfer stored procedures between SQL Server 2005 databases


I'm creating web site on local computer. i'm using SQL Server 2005 management studio. I need to copy all data to destination server. Destination server is SQL Server 2005. My problem is

  1. when i using import/Export data for management studio, this only copy tables.
  2. when i using backup and restore, tables and stored procedure shows like this


myuser.aspnet_Membership … etc.
I need to create like this



How to copy stored procedures and views to destination server?

Best Answer

In SQL Server Management Studio navigate to your database.

Right click it and select "Tasks" -> "Generate Scripts"
Select your database from the list
"Next" Select "Stored Procedures" "Next"
"Select All" "Next"
"Script to new Query Window" "Next"

Give it a while. Then when complete, at the very top of the script put "use (yourdatabase)"

Execute the use statement.
Execute the whole script.