Increasing Windows Mobile 5 Emulator Storage


I'm using the Microsoft Sync Framework to synchronize a SQL Server database with a SQL Compact SDF file on the Windows Mobile 5 emulator. We have a 2 gig SD card in the actual device we're deploying on so we'd like to store our database file there. However, when I map a shared folder as the storage card in the Windows Mobile 5 emulator, the SQL Compact engine is not able to create or modify a database file on the mapped storage card because of a bug. So to get past this during development on the emulator, I was just going to store the database on the internal device storage, however, it's limited to 32 MB and I can't find a way to increase it. Does anyone know how to increase the storage space on the emulator. I'm talking storage space not RAM :).

Otherwise, does anyone know how to get past the bug of not being able to have a SQL Compact database file on the storage card in the emulator?


Best Answer

Under you will find a driver for the emulator that sets up a RAM Disk, that for the emulator is seen as an external storage card but doesn't suffer from the issues with mapping a folder. I've checked with SQL Compact sdf file stored in the RAMDisk and it works like a charm. I've used it as a 64MB drive but supposedly it can handle up to 256 MB.