Sql-server – Installation of SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio

bidsbusiness-intelligencesql serversql-server-2005

I have installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

This consists of the configuration tools (SQL server configuration manager, SQL Error and usage Reporting, SQL Server Surface area configuration, Reporting Services configuration) and SQL Server Management Studio.

However, I don't find SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

How can it be installed?

Is it available online as a freeware download?

Best Answer

It sounds like you have installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, which does not include SSIS or the Business Intelligence Development Studio.

BIDS is only provided with the (not free) Standard, Enterprise and Developer Editions.


This information was correct for SQL Server 2005. Since SQL Server 2014, Developer Edition has been free. BIDS has been replaced by SQL Server Data Tools, a free plugin for Visual Studio (including the free Visual Studio Community Edition).