Sql – linq collation conflict issue


I'm using linq to SQL and when I run this query

        var lstData = from s in dataTrackDB.datas
                      join m in dataTrackDB.mkts on s.mktcode equals m.mktcode
                      join n in dataTrackDB.mktnews on m.mktcode equals n.oldmktcode
                      select new data
                          AccountDes = m.account,
                          commodity = s.commodity,
                          date = s.date,
                          daysvalid = s.daysvalid,
                          mktcode = s.mktcode,
                          mktDes = n.mktdesc,
                          price = s.price,
                          prodid = s.prodid,
                          statecode = s.statecode,
                          subcommodity = s.subcommodity,
                          supprecode = s.supprecode,
                          units = s.units

I will get "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation" . I'd be thankful if someone guide me how should I write the linq query?

Thank you

Best Answer

The problem lies in collation of your columns in Database, change them to the same collation.

setting collation on columns could affect the comparison operators in sql.

