Sql – Login Failed for linked server

sqlsql serversql-server-2000

How to create a linked server…?

1st Server name is ABC.DATABASE1
2nd server name is EFG.DATABASE2

EFG database username is sa password is sa

I want to retrive the data's from 2nd server thourgh 1st server

In the 1st server, i exectue the store procedure like this….

exec sp_linkedserver 'EFG'

Executed successfully,

When i tried to retrive the data, it is showing error as "login failed for user sa, Reason: Not associated with trusted sql server connection"

How to solve this problem…

Need help

Best Answer

In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio check the login configuration of your linked servers properties on the *Security" tab and create a mapped remote login for your local sa account or configure an alternative login for all connections.

To create a linked server with a login mapping by executing sp_linkedserver, try

sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'EFG', @locallogin = N'sa', @useself = N'False', 
                     @rmtuser = N'your_remote_user', @rmtpassword = N'remotepassword'

To create a linked server with an alternative login, try

sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'EFG', @locallogin = NULL , @useself = N'False', 
                     @rmtuser = N'your_remote_user', @rmtpassword = N'remotepassword'