Iphone – Memory management when using sqlite database in iphone


My application makes use of a SQLite database to store the user's inputs. The number of records in the input would go to around 100 records and I have a lot of SQL operations going on in the application.

When I run the application with Object Allocations, it shows the sqlite library libsqlite3.0.dylib using up a lot of memory. Does the libsqlite framework lead to memory leakage? What is the best way to communicate with database? Having a lot of sql calls is increasing the memory usage of my app.

Can someone please let me know what the best way to use sqlite in an app effectively. (I am using the SQLiteBooks example as the reference)


Best Answer

Sqlite uses a cache for requests. Close & reopen the database from time to release cache memory.

You shouldnt care unless your memory requirements are high.

You can catch critical conditions in the UIApplicationDelegate method applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning or UIViewController delegate method didReceiveMemoryWarning

If one of these methods is called, close & reopen the database.