Sql – NO_DATA_FOUND exception handling with Select Into MULTIPLE variables


I have looked for a while now for a solution to this issue, and all the NO_DATA_FOUND handling tutorials I found only show how to do it when doing a Select Into with only one column into one variable.

First, here is my code:

    OPEN c_no_source; 
            l_price_code  VARCHAR2(20) := ''; 
            l_price_level VARCHAR(10) := ''; 
            l_code_date   DATE := p_effective_date; 
            FETCH c_no_source INTO c_no_source_row;
                exit WHEN c_no_source%NOTFOUND;
                WITH codeList AS /* liste des dates ayant une donnée avant la date effective incluse. */
                    SELECT distinct
                        NVL(effective_date,p_effective_date) as effective_date,
                        NVL(user_group2,'') as price_code, 
                        NVL(user_group3,'') as price_level
                    FROM  DGA_Service.Hjvsecmaster_Hist
                    WHERE   effective_date <= p_effective_date
                        AND user_group2 IS NOT NULL
                        AND security_alias = c_no_source_row.security_alias
                    ORDER BY 1 DESC
                SELECT price_code, price_level, effective_date 
                INTO   l_price_code, l_price_level, l_code_date 
                FROM   codelist 
                WHERE  ROWNUM = 1; 
                EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL;

                [UPDATE statement using the variables] 
    END LOOP; 

    CLOSE c_no_source; 

What I'm trying to do is take the top 1 result of my codeList temp result set into three separate variables.
However one of the three columns in codeList will often be NULL. And none of my 3 variables will be set.
I tried to handle the exception but I can't get my code to insert the columns that DO have a value into their respective variables. If even one of the columns is NULL then none of them are inserted into their variable.

I would like the Select Into statement to set the variables that it CAN set.

I tried to handle them all separately using something like this:

        IF price_code IS NOT NULL THEN l_price_code := price_code; END IF;
        IF price_level IS NOT NULL THEN l_price_level := price_level; END IF;
        IF effective_date IS NOT NULL THEN l_code_date := effective_date; END IF;

But I got the following error message:

ORA-06550: line 294, column 18:
PLS-00201: identifier 'PRICE_CODE' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 294, column 15:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
ORA-06550: line 295, column 18:
PLS-00201: identifier 'PRICE_LEVEL' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 295, column 15:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
ORA-06550: line 296, column 18:
PLS-00201: identifier 'EFFECTIVE_DATE' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 296, column 15:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

So I ran out of ideas. I tried specifying the temp table name, to no avail, like this:

IF codeList.price_code IS NOT NULL

I would love any help on this issue. The package this piece of code runs in is already heavy and I would prefer not to have to get each column with a separate With ... As () Select Into clause.

Best Answer

Okay, I think I get you; most of your problem is caused by you nesting PL/SQL blocks incorrectly.

Your update statement is contained within the EXCEPTION block, which means it'll only get executed if the exception is thrown. Secondly, you're referencing the columns directly in the following:

        IF price_code IS NOT NULL THEN l_price_code := price_code; END IF;
        IF price_level IS NOT NULL THEN l_price_level := price_level; END IF;
        IF effective_date IS NOT NULL THEN l_code_date := effective_date; END IF;

This is the cause of your compilation error.

Lastly, if there is a single row in your select into then every variable will be set, so there's no need to try to deal with this.

    OPEN c_no_source; 
            l_price_code  VARCHAR2(20); 
            l_price_level VARCHAR(10); 
            l_code_date   DATE := p_effective_date; 
            FETCH c_no_source INTO c_no_source_row;
                exit WHEN c_no_source%NOTFOUND;
                WITH codelist AS (
                 SELECT DISTINCT effective_date
                      , user_group2 AS price_code
                      , user_group3 AS price_level 
                   FROM hjvsecmaster_hist 
                   WHERE effective_date <= p_effective_date 
                     AND user_group2 IS NOT NULL 
                     AND security_alias = c_no_source_row.security_alias 
                   ORDER BY 1 DESC
                SELECT price_code, price_level, effective_date 
                INTO   l_price_code, l_price_level, l_code_date 
                FROM   codelist 
                WHERE  ROWNUM = 1; 
                EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
                   -- All variables are their initial setting
              [UPDATE statement using the variables] 
    END LOOP; 

    CLOSE c_no_source; 

This is normally a highly inefficient way of doing this. If you can fit everything into a single UPDATE or MERGE then I would do so. You don't appear to have any additional logic so it should be possible.

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