Sql – Predicate Error with Oracle VPD/RLS


I need some help with Oracle's RLS feature. I have never used it before but did some research online about it, however i'm running into a problem.

Here are the steps that I have taken:

1- Create the function:

create or replace function
   (obj_schema varchar2, obj_name varchar2) return varchar2


v_project varchar2(2000);


v_project:= '(select project from users where user_name = (select sys_context(''userenv'',''session_user'') from dual))';

return 'project = ' || v_project;       


2- Add the security policy


DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY ('db1', 'data', 'access_policy', 'admin', 'table_access_policy', 'SELECT' );


3- Run a simple select query on the object

select * from db1.data

When I do step 3 I get the following error:

ORA-28113: policy predicate has error
28113. 00000 – "policy predicate has error"
*Cause: Policy function generates invalid predicate.
*Action: Review the trace file for detailed error information.
Error at Line: 5 Column: 14

I don't know what could be wrong with the security function. I successfully used it manually on the db1 schema as follows:

select * from data
where project = (select project from users where user_name = (select sys_context('userenv','session_user') from dual))

Any thoughts??

Best Answer

Because your policy function is on the admin schema then you should qualify the select from the users table with its schema:

v_project:= '(select project from db1.users where user_name = (select sys_context(''userenv'',''session_user'') from dual))';

In addition, you should check the trace file as it recommends as that will show you the exact SQL which is run as well as the real error message.

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