Sql – problem of conditional visibility and page breaks with rectangles in SSRS 2005

conditionalreporting-servicessql serversql-server-2005visibility

I am trying to insert a conditional page break, actually i had a report of 50 pages with invoices each invoice is 3 pages long so i need a paghebreak for the 2nd invoice t printon the next page as i need the whole report ot print back to back,so i inserted one page break,so this starts the next invoice to start on 4th page but i want next invoice to start on 5th page which is a new page and i inserted another pagebreak there if the 3rd page of previous report is not filled, but if the 3rd page is filled and the invoice goes on to 4th page then i dont need this additional page break

I tried doign this by taking two rectangles
–first with inert page break at the end
–second with conditional visibility of the rectangle2 and with page break at the start.
and the condition for the rectangle2 to be visible is like

Visibility—hidden and expression is
–iif(count(id field of the table in third page)>=24,true,false)

i.e 3rd page accomodates atmost of 24 records and if the records are more than 24 i dont need another pagebreak and i am hiding the rectangle2 only if records are less than 24 i need another page break and i am not hiding the rectanlge2


Please help me with this..

Best Answer

You should be able to add a column to the data source, such as InvoiceNumber, that you could define as a page-breaking group. Then the page should break before a new Invoice and at the end of each of your rectangles.

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