Ruby-on-rails – Rails auto-assigning id that already exists


I create a new record like so:

truck = Truck.create(:name=>name, :user_id=>2)

My database currently has several thousand entities for truck, but I assigned the id's to several of them, in a way that left some id's available. So what's happening is rails creates item with id = 150 and it works fine. But then it tries to create an item and assign it id = 151, but that id may already exist, so I'm seeing this error:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "companies_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(151) already exists.

And the next time I run the action, it will simply assign the id 152, which will work fine if that value isn't already taken. How can I get rails to check whether an ID already exists before it assigns it?



The Truck id is what is being duplicated. The user already exists and is a constant in this case. It actually is a legacy issue that I have to deal with. One option, is to re-create the table at let rails auto assign every id this time around. I'm beginning to think this may be the best choice because I'm have a few other problems, but the migration for doing this would be very complicated because Truck is a foreign key in so many other tables. Would there be a simple way to have rails create a new table with the same data already stored under Truck, with auto-assigned ID's and maintaining all existing relationships?

Best Answer

I did this which solved the issue for me.

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |t|

I found the reset_pk_sequence! from this thread.