Sql – return distinct products based on product_id

sqlsql server

Right now the query below is retrieving more then one product record. How can I limit the results set to only retrieving the one record per product_ID? Multiple records will be returned from different products, but I only need one product line per product_id. This is MS SQL 2005

 SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Products.Product_ID AS Expr1,
                                WHEN dbo.Products.thumbnail      IS NULL
                                OR              dbo.Products.thumbnail = ''
                                THEN dbo.Products.Smimage
                                ELSE dbo.Products.thumbnail
                END AS image                                                                                                            ,
                dbo.Products.ProductTitle                                                                                               ,
                '<img WIDTH="62" src="http://media.companyinc.com/companyinc/SKUimages/small/' + dbo.Products.Smimage + '">' AS URLImage,
                dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.sku                                                                              ,
                dbo.Products.Discontinued                                                                                               ,
                dbo.Products.CloseOut                                                                                                   ,
                dbo.Products.Special                                                                                                    ,
                dbo.Products.Active                                                                                                     ,
                dbo.Products.location_id                                                                                                ,
                dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.dropshipper_id                                                                   ,
                dbo.Products.season                                                                                                     ,
                dbo.Products.thumbnail                                                                                                  ,
                dbo.Products.Smimage                                                                                                    ,
                dbo.Products.CustomField2                                                                                               ,
                dbo.Products.pt_type                                                                                                    ,
                dbo.Products.PartNumber                                                                                                 ,
                dbo.Products.RetailPrice AS Price                                                                                       ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.Product_Id                                                                                       ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date1                                                                                 ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date2                                                                                 ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.qtypurchased_date1                                                                               ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.qtypurchased_date2                                                                               ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date3                                                                                 ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.qtypurchased_date3                                                                               ,
                dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.quantity AS currentqty
FROM            dbo.Products
                INNER JOIN dbo.skupurchasedreport
                ON              dbo.Products.Product_ID = dbo.skupurchasedreport.Product_Id
                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Options AS Options_2
                RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions
                ON              Options_2.Opt_ID = dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.option_id3
                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Options AS Options_1
                ON              dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.option_id2 = Options_1.Opt_ID
                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Options
                ON              dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.option_id1 = dbo.Options.Opt_ID
                ON              dbo.Products.Product_ID                           = dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.product_id
GROUP BY        dbo.skupurchasedreport.Product_Id                    ,
                dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.product_id    ,
                dbo.Products.Product_ID                              ,
                dbo.Products.ProductTitle                            ,
                dbo.Products.thumbnail                               ,
                dbo.Products.Smimage                                 ,
                dbo.INV_dropshippers_To_ProductOptions.sku           ,
                dbo.Products.Discontinued                            ,
                dbo.Products.CloseOut                                ,
                dbo.Products.Special                                 ,
                dbo.Products.Active                                  ,
                dbo.Products.location_id                             ,
                dbo.Products.season                                  ,
                dbo.Products.CustomField2                            ,
                dbo.Products.pt_type                                 ,
                dbo.Products.PartNumber                              ,
                dbo.Products.RetailPrice                             ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.Product_Id                    ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date1              ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date2              ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date1              ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.totalprice_date3              ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.qtypurchased_date1            ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.qtypurchased_date2            ,
                dbo.skupurchasedreport.qtypurchased_date3            ,

Best Answer

Wow do you really want to group by that many fields? Generally when I see SQL statements that have some sort of aggregate and group by almost every column in the table it is a sign that it's probably wrong. It may return the right data for today but tomorrow's a different story. Read up on DISTINCT, Group By, and Inner Queries to handle this appropriately. The proper way to post this question was to give us some data from the table and give us what you want as expected output or desired results. My inclination tells me you want some sort of

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