Sql – Select multiple rows from SQL into one row in subquery

coalescesqlsql server

I have query like:


SELECT  Ordering.orderID , 
        (User_info.name  +' '+ User_info.surname),   
        Ordering.dateEnd ,   
            select   COALESCE(' ',@razem)+sell_type.name as r  
            from    Ordering_sell_type, Sell_type 
            where   orderID = Ordering.orderID and 
                    Ordering_sell_type.sell_typeID = sell_type.sell_typeID
        ) podz
FROM    Ordering, User_info, Product_Document, Document, Document_type   
WHERE   Ordering.orderID = Product_document.orderID  
        AND Document.documentID = Document_type.documentID  
        AND Document.documentID = Product_document.documentID  
        AND  Ordering.userID = User_info.userID   
        AND Ordering.isClosed = 1 AND Document_type.typeID = 1   
GROUP   BY  Document.isitfiscal, Document.refDocID, 
            Document.number, Ordering.orderID, User_info.name, 
            User_info.surname, Ordering.dateStart, 
            Ordering.dateEnd , Ordering.isCLosed  
ORDER   BY Ordering.dateEnd

And in that COALESCE function I want to get all pay type for selected order – for example, orderID 123 have payTypes = Card, Cash, orderID have payTypes = Cash.

Problem is that I want to have it in one simply row as last row of main query, like:
orderID, Document.number, UserInfo.name+surname, dateStart, dateEnd, ->card, cash<-
but after trying query like above i got error:

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

because it returns more than one row. Is it possible, to get pay types in subquery and return as one string?

Best Answer

Based on the syntax you have used, I am assuming you are using SQL-Server, and as such you can use SQL-Servers XML extension to concatenate strings.

SELECT  Ordering.orderID, 
        [UserName] = User_info.name  +' '+ User_info.surname,   
        [podz] = STUFF((    SELECT  DISTINCT ' ' + SellType.Name
                            FROM    Ordering_Sell_Type
                                    INNER JOIN Sell_Type
                                        ON Sell_Type.sell_typeID = Ordering_Sell_Type.sell_typeID
                            WHERE   Ordering.OrderID = Ordering_SellType.OrderId
                            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                        ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')
FROM    Ordering
        INNER JOIN User_Info
            ON Ordering.UserID = User_Info.UserID
        INNER JOIN ProductDocument
            ON Ordering.OrderID = Product_Document.OrderID
        INNER JOIN Document
            ON Document.DocumentID = Product_Document.DocumentID
        INNER JOIN Document_Type
            ON Document_Type.DocumentID = Document.DocumentID
WHERE   Ordering.IsClosed = 1
AND     Document_Type.TypeID = 1
ORDER BY Ordering.dateEnd;

Note I have replaced all your ANSI 89 joins with ANSI 92, as this is the more modern syntax, and is generally accepted as the more legible option (I say generally accepted as it is of course personal preference and there are also still some cases when Oracle optimises ANSI89 joins better).


Having seen your data the duplicates are from the Product_Document Table, you can remove these by using this:

SELECT  Ordering.orderID, 
        [UserName] = User_info.name  +' '+ User_info.surname,   
        [podz] = STUFF((    SELECT  DISTINCT ' ' + SellType.Name
                            FROM    Ordering_Sell_Type
                                    INNER JOIN Sell_Type
                                        ON Sell_Type.sell_typeID = Ordering_Sell_Type.sell_typeID
                            WHERE   Ordering.OrderID = Ordering_SellType.OrderId
                            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                        ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')
FROM    Ordering
        INNER JOIN User_Info
            ON Ordering.UserID = User_Info.UserID
        INNER JOIN 
        (   SELECT  DISTINCT OrderID, DocumentID
            FROM    Product_Document
        ) Product_Document
            ON Ordering.OrderID = Product_Document.OrderID
        INNER JOIN Document
            ON Document.DocumentID = Product_Document.DocumentID
        INNER JOIN Document_Type
            ON Document_Type.DocumentID = Document.DocumentID
WHERE   Ordering.IsClosed = 1
AND     Document_Type.TypeID = 1
ORDER BY Ordering.dateEnd;