Sql Server: Implementing a multi-table search

searchsql servertsql

I'm trying to figure out the best way to search a number of different tables for a simple term. I have two solutions in mind

1) Create a "Search table" with the following structure and create triggers on the tables I would like to search to enter the information into the search table

ID || String to check against || Table || TableId

2) Create a massive stored procedure to search the tables and columns I care about.

I'll be using this solution with Entity Framework for an Asp.Net MVC website, so I'm leaning towards the first solution for now.

Which solution makes more sense/is better?

Best Answer

SQL Server Full Text Search (FTS):

  • Highly optimized
  • Supports multiple
  • languages query full text catalogs on multiple servers
  • index xml type many
  • more features

SQL Server FTS consists of several components:

  • Gatherer
  • Indexer
  • Filter Manager
  • Filter Daemon
  • Full-Text Catalog

If you limit the number of outputs, SQL Server FTS really works well.