Sql server Integration Services 2008-2005 compatibility


I recently developed an SSIS package on my dev machine using the 2008 version.
Later I foud the customer had Sql server 2005 and doesn't plan to upgrade anytime soon.

Is there a way to turn the 2008 package into a SSIS 2005 package, like a downgrade wizard?

Best Answer

Courtesy of an unnamed source we have an app to downgrade a SSIS package from the 2008 version to 2005.

Whilst it works with the common components any new components aren’t supported with the exception of the Lookup.

3rd party components are also not supported.

It was gone through very limited testing and is not a supported option from MS. Its is not advised to use this for production packages.

It is a useful tool to get you out of a sticky situation.
