Sql-server – SSRS Adding a Table to Header/Footer of Report

reporting-servicessql server

Relatively basic question that seems to elude me – is it possible to insert a table into the header or footer of an SSRS report?

I am only able to get the options for the following:
Textbox, Line, Rectangle, Image

However in the main body, I get a multitude of controls I can add. Is this a limitation of SSRS? Is there any workarounds, other than 'creating' the tables myself using a combination of textboxes?

Worth mentioning that I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0.

Best Answer

SSRS doesn't allow Tablix in header and footer. SSRS only allows static data in header and footer. To access dynamic data we generally use ReportItems or Parameters. Adding a tablix(table) requires a dataset. Thats why we cannot add tablix in header and footer.

MSDN Article on Report Headers and footers