Sql – Splitting a Table over multiple pages in SSRS

reporting-servicessql server

I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 to produce an invoice. The layout of this invoice is fairly standard – a page header/footer, then some address details at the top, followed by a single table for the invoice lines, and a set of rectangles for the totals below the table.

This report worked absolutely fine in SSRS 2005, but since moving to SSRS 2008 I've found a problem with invoices of a certain length. The problematic length is when there are too many rows to display on page 1, and enough to display the entire table on page 2 (i.e. without the address details being displayed at the top). This means that page 1 contains ONLY the address information, whereas it used to also contain the start of the table.

Screenshot of working report (SSRS 2005):

Working Report http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/1439/invoicessrs2005.png

Screenshot of broken report (SSRS 2008):

Broken Report http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/69/invoicessrs2008.png

I've played with the KeepTogether property of the table (which was set to False anyway), with no effect.

Does anyone have any suggestions how I can make this work?

Best Answer


I ran into this incredibly annoying issue before when I was placing graphs on a report that I redid as well. I got so fed up with it and couldn't find anything that explained why it was happening so I just shrunk down the actual size of the table (squished it to the left a bit) until it printed correctly in the preview. It was meant to serve as a temporary solution until I found out why this happened but it is still used like that and it's been about 6 months now.