Sql – the solution of ‘can’t find java SE sdk installed in specified folder’ in sqldeveloper


I just installed oracle database. I want to work using sqldeveloper. I downloaded the latest version of it. After extracting it when I intend to run it, it shows this messages.please specify the path to java jdk home and 'can't find a java SE SDK installed at"c:\program files(*86)\java\jdk1.7.0_60\bin"'

I can't find any answer for this problem. I tried installing java again, there is no 'jdk' folder in my sqldeveloper folder(latest version). I can't understand what can I do?

Best Answer

There could be two things here:

  1. Don't point SQL Developer to the bin folder - browse to the parent folder
  2. You don't actually have an SDK installed there.

If it's the second point, the following might help. (and if it's not, it will probably sound quite patronising, sorry about that).

Java comes in two flavours.

Unless you're a developer, you normally just need the runtime (Java Runtime Environment, or JRE), which is what you normally end up with if you go to download java.

But if you want to write programs in Java or, it appears, use SQL developer, you need the version of Java that lets you write java programs, and compile them to something that will run on the Java runtime. That's the Java Development Kit, or JDK.

If you google "download java", you'll end up here: https://java.com/en/download/ You get the "runtime" or JRE.

But if you google "download jdk", you end up here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html

Which is more likely to be what you want.

After you've downloaded and installed that, point SQL Developer at the folder that that one has installed into. You can check you've got a JDK because there'll be a program called javac in the bin folder.

Alternatively, some of the SQL Developer downloads include the JDK as well, so if you make sure you download one of those, it should solve the issue. (This is probably what @Mate is suggesting in that comment).

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