Sql-server – Unable to debug SQL Server 2005 stored procedures in Visual Studio Team System 2008

debuggingsql serversql-server-2005visual studio

I have been trying to debug SQL Server 2005 stored procedures, in Visual Studio Team System 2008.

I connected to the database server and did a right-click "Execute", on the stored procedure. I even tried "Step Into Stored Procedure", with no luck.

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(source: googlepages.com)

The IDE shows it is running, but I can not seem to break or step into the stored procedure.

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(source: googlepages.com)

I have checked the event viewer and there are no logs. There are no output or messages showing where the problem is.

Visual studio contains the following components :-

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(source: googlepages.com)

Loads of forums mention debugging issues, but no simple solution were found.

Am I missing something ? Or does anyone know of a more concise site, that walks through successfull stored procedure debugging ?

Best Answer

Check this, specially the remote debugging part: http://www.dbazine.com/sql/sql-articles/cook1

For other general information on debugging sql check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zefbf0t6.aspx