Sql value which isn’t for the needed date but first available


I've got this SQL QUERY in MS SQL 2005/2008 database which gets me Money Amount, Money Currency, Money Time and Currency Converter. I left join it with Table that has gathered information from polish national bank about currency converter per each day.

Here's the query:

SELECT  t1.[TransakcjeGotowkoweKwota],  
FROM    [BazaZarzadzanie].[dbo].[TransakcjeGotowkowe] t1

LEFT JOIN [BazaZarzadzanie].[dbo].[KursyWalutNBP] t2
ON t1.TypyWaluty = t2.[kod waluty]  AND t2.[data publikacji] = t1.[TransakcjeGotowkoweData]  
WHERE   [TypyWaluty] = 'EUR'

Here's the output:

TransakcjeGotowkoweKwota TypyWaluty TransakcjeGotowkoweData kurs_sredni
-14153.04000000         EUR         2009-01-05 00:00:00.000    4,1137    
-18.36000000            EUR         2009-07-01 00:00:00.000    4,4157    
4.61000000              EUR         2007-09-30 00:00:00.000    NULL
55.50000000             EUR         2007-09-30 00:00:00.000    NULL  

The problem is with NULL values for Kurs_sredni. It happens when [kurs_sredni] cannot be found in [KursyWalutNBP] for that particular day. What i would like to achieve is when it happens it should get the nearest possible date and get value for that day.

For example:
If value is NULL for [Kurs Sredni] for date 2007-09-30 it should get value from 2007-10-01 (if it has one of course).

How should i aproach this?

With regards,


Best Answer

I would personally move to a User Defined Function for this type of thing, rather than a join. This way you can have full control over the evaluation process. You could do it in a manner like the following, based on your notes.

SELECT TOP 1 kurs_sredni
FROM YourTable
WHERE (Your Comparison here)

This way, you can do a >= comparison on date, and if it doesn't exist, you will get the next latest date value.

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