Sql – VB.net / C# dont reference sqlreader in client portion then where


Assume I have a form that has say 5 text boxes and I need to pull some data from a database then set those 5 text boxes with that data.

So assume I have 3 basic layers:

  • the code behind for a default.aspx page

  • a BLL class that contacts the DAL

  • and a data access layer (DAL)

But I've heard and read that the default.aspx page should not know about sqldatareader, in fact you probably dont want to add the sqlclient namesspace to the default.aspx code behind page.

So I used to do something like this:

protected sub DisplayCustomerData()

Dim s as SqlDataReader
Dim b as BLL

b=new BLL();
s = b.GetCustomerData();

//then take s and simply set each text field
if s.read()
TextBox1.Value = s("MyField1")
end if
end sub

Then the BLL would simply call the DAL to call a stored procedure in SQL Server and do a CommandObject.ExecuteReader, get the results pass it back to BLL and BLL would then send it to the code behind page of default.aspx.

I can provide full source code if that doesn't make sense. My question is if its bad that default.aspx actually declares and knows about an SQL Data Reader then what is the better way to do this? What datatype should I be using to avoid having an sqldatareader in my interface code ?

Best Answer

You've introduced multiple layers, without actually separating concerns. By using SqlDataReader in your front end, it needs too much knowledge of how the data is retrieved.

Typically you'd have a Customer Business Object or Data Transfer Object that contains the retrieved data. Your DAL would returns objects of the Customer type, rather than a reference to a SqlDataReader.

protected sub DisplayCustomerData()

    Dim customer as Customer
    Dim b as BLL

    b=new BLL();
    customer = b.GetCustomerData();

    If Not customer is Nothing Then
        TextBox1.Value = customer.MyField
    End If
end sub


What you call the BLL in your example, wouldn't really do anything. There is just data access and presentation of that data. The DAL itself builds the Customer object.

The way you're using b, it really is a Data Access Object. It doesn't really have anything to do with business logic. Business logic would be something like determining the discount percentage this customer receives, based on past orders.

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