Sql – Visual Studio 2008 IDE crash

crashidesql servervisual studio

I have the following configuration:

  • Visual Studio Team System 2008
  • SQL Server Developer Edition 2008
  • GDR2

on a Win XP SP3 workstation.

I have no add-ins.

All patches have already been applied for Visual Studio, Sql Server and Windows.

The event log does not show anything either.

My IDEs for Management Studio (ssms.exe) and VS (devenve.exe) keep crashing on me a few times a day. I have tried uninstallilng and reinstalling both VS2008 and SQL, but no luck.

How can I start figuring out what else is wrong and fix it?

Best Answer

Does it crash when you do a specific thing? Can you find any log which contains any helpful info?

The information you provided is insufficient to know what the problem is, but as a guideline you should do the following :

  • Have Visual Studio log its activity for troubleshooting.
  • Try to uninstall or turn off all addons of the IDE, some plugins can crash the whole IDE, and this is a very common cause of VS crash. or :
  • Use the /SafeMode option which prevent all addons from being loaded.
  • Download and install all the available Windows updates.
  • Download and install all the available updates and hotfixes for Visual Studio.
  • If nothing worked, you can report this to Microsoft, and wait for their feedback.