Which should I install first: Visual Studio 2008 or SQL Server 2008


Half a year ago, I installed Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. I don't quite remember which I installed first, but since then I am unable to connect to any file-based SQL server databases from the Visual Studio IDE. I think it was related to a bug in Visual Studio, the fact that I had previously installed Visual Studio 2005 on the same system and the order in which I installed both programs.

Now I am soon going to upgrade to Visual Studio Team System and I would rather avoid having the same database connection problems. Should I

A) Uninstall both Visual Studio and SQL Server, then reinstall SQL Server and afterwards Visual Studio?
B) Just uninstall Visual Studio and update to VS Team System?



Best Answer

I install the Developer Edition of SQL Server instead of the SQL Server Express edition that comes with VS2008. I find that the install works better if you install SQL Server first, that way there is no need to uninstall the Express edition before installing SQL Server Developer edition. I don't recommend having both editions installed. I had no end of problems until I figured out that having two versions installed was the issue. Uninstalling VS and SQL Server Express may be necessary, but I believe it was enough just to uninstall SQL Server Express and (re)install SQL Server Developer edition.