Sql – Zend Framework Db Select Join table help


I have this query:

SELECT g.title, g.asin, g.platform_id, r.rank
        FROM games g
        INNER JOIN ranks r ON ( g.id = r.game_id )
        ORDER BY r.rank DESC
        LIMIT 5`

Now, this is my JOIN using Zend_Db_Select but it gives me array error

$query = $this->select();
        $query->from(array('g' => 'games'), array());
        $query->join(array('r' => 'ranks'), 'g.id = r.game_id', array('g.title', 'g.asin', 'g.platform_id', 'r.rank'));
        $query->order('r.rank DESC');
        $resultRows = $this->fetchAll($query);
        return $resultRows;

Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I want to get all the columns in 'games' to show and the 'rank' column in the ranks table.

Best Answer

I am going to assume you've solved this, but it would be nice to leave the answer for others.

Add this below the instantiation of the select object.
