SQLite and SubSonic 3.0 Not Generating from T4 Template


I cannot get the latest SubSonic with SQLite ActiveRecord to work.

I grabbed the latest 3.0x bits from the web site on July 15th.
I made a brand new WPF project with the namespace 'MineSpace'.
I created a SQLite v3 database with 5 tables and FKey relationships (no triggers).
I added ActiveRecord.tt, Settings.ttinclude, SQLite.ttinclude to the project.
I updated my app.config (this is for a WPF app) with
   a. configSection for SubSonicService
   b. DbProviderFactories for my "SQLiteDataProvider".
   c. connectionsStrings added "Conn01"
   d. Added SubSonicService section with defaultProvider of "SQLiteDataProvider"
   e. Set the complete absolute path to my .db file.
Edited Settings.ttinclude with
   a. Namespace = "MineSpace"
   b. ConnectionStringName "Conn01"
   c. Databasename = "CoreInfo"

Right-click on ActiveRecord.tt and do 'run custom tool', and…

1 Warning: "Multiple template directives were found in the template. All but the first one will be ignored. Multiple parameters to the template directive should be specified within one template directive." in file 'Settings.ttinclude'

Right-click on the project do 'rebuild', and…

6 errors, here is a sample –
The type or namespace name 'CoreInfoDB' does not exist in the namespace 'MineSpace' (are you missign an assembly reference?)

7 warnings, here is a sample –
'MineSpace.EmailAddrs' overrides Object.Equals(object o) but does not override Object.GetHashCode()

Best Answer

You also need to add and then 'run custom tool' on the files Structs.tt and Context.tt