Sqlldr not found when using SQL*Loader in a shell script


I would like to create shell script, AUTOLOAD that will, when ran, execute SQL*Loader with a set of instructions. All this is in my Linux environment.

SQL*loader will then import data to SQL developer

echo -------- SQL loader --------
# @echo; 
sqlldr username@server1/password control=/folder1/ctrl/loader.ctl log=/folder1/load/results.l 

My shell script is located in root directory and this is where I will be calling other files from.
But it is giving me error when I try to run it:

- line 6: sqlldr: command not found

I don't know how to specify path to SQL*Loader, since I am on Linux.

I am new to this…so Be gentle 🙁

Best Answer


locate sqlldr

That should return something like


Edit your ~/.profile and add at the bottom

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe

Then re-load your profile with source ~/.profile (or log out and log back in), and you should be good to go.