SSRS The permissions are insufficient for performing this operation


I am new to SSRS and deployed my first report with it. When deploying the report, I added access to the site for the user group DOMAIN\user-group with the "System User' role under Site Settings > Security. I also added the group to the home folder with the browser role and ensured all folders and items inherit parent settings. The report is running with a service account with SA permissions to the DB it is reading from.

When I run the report locally or remotely as myself then I am able to run it, however whenever a member of the domain group tries to run it they get the below error message:

An error has occurred during report processing.

The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\user' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)

Best Answer

Thanks @Kidiskidvogingogin. One data set was not inheriting permissions.