StructureMap exception: No Default Instance defined for PluginFamily


I have a SysMsgManager class defined in CoreService project as following:

public class SysMsgManager 
    private ISysMsgRepository _SysMsgRepository;

    public SysMsgManager()
        _SysMsgRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISysMsgRepository>();


In my DataAccess project I have 'ISysMsgRepository' interface and two concrete implementations defined as following:

namespace DataAccess.Repository
   public class SysMsgRepository : ISysMsgRepository

namespace DataAccess.Repository
    public class SysMsgRepository_Test : ISysMsgRepository

and this is what I have in my StructureMap.config file


<Assembly Name="CoreService" /> 
<Assembly Name="DataAccess" />

    DefaultKey="Default" />


When I try to run my app, I got the following error:

StructureMap Exception Code: 202\nNo Default Instance defined for PluginFamily DataAccess.Repository.ISysMsgRepository, DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Can anyone help me to solve this problem? Thanks!

Best Answer

Unfortunately I have little familiarity with configuring StructureMap via Xml. Let me show you how it is done using C#.

var container = new Container(config=>

It seems you are using the standard naming convention for your interfaces and classes (just tacking an I onto the front of the class name). If you do that for all your types you can just configure your container like this:

var container = new Container(config=>
    config.Scan(scan =>

I hope this helps. It is much easier to configure your container using code rather than Xml. Give it a try. You'll be a convert.

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