Subsonic 3.0 setup problems


I am trying to re-create the setup project as shown in the video of

i am using visual c# 2008 express edition and following all the steps but something is wrong.

the settings.ttinclude is as follows:

const string Namespace = "WSC";
const string ConnectionStringName = "WSC";

//This is the name of your database and is used in naming
//the repository. By default we set it to the connection string name
const string DatabaseName = "WSC";

//this is a list of tables you don't want generated
string[] ExcludeTables = new string[]{

.. i am adding the subsonic.core.dll referense and creating the app.config with the following settings:

I am also copying the ActveDirectory Folder found in the t4 templates directory to the solution. .cs files are supposed to be generated here but they are not.

Can anyone help pls.



Best Answer

It's not that SubSonic doesn't work with Express per's that Express doesn't support T4 templates, which are used by SubSonic to generate your classes.