SubSonic Include Tables Alternative to Exclude


SubSonic is great and helps me code a lot faster, but now I've run into something that I think would help a ton of programmers.

I'm programming against a huge database, but only need about 6 or 7 tables out of the 50 or so tables. The exclude in the Settings.ttinclude requires me to enter the other tables not needed. I would love to have a IncludeTables string array that speeds up the entry of the tables that are required for the application.

Hopefully the team at the SubSonic project already have a patch/fix for this.

I see that v2.2 has includeTableList and whole list of other configuration options. Where do I set these in v3.0.0.2???

Best Answer

The goal of having T4 templates is so you can do for yourself - not ask us to fix it (not that we mind honestly - but it's easier for you). In this case most people have just a few tables they want to exclude.

That said, in the next rev I'll make the method more generic so you can change it as needed (rather than check an array - I should ask "ShouldGenerate()").

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