SubSonic Paging Syntax Help


I am struggling to get a subsonic select query to work, I am writing a paging method and tried the following

Select ns = new Select(maincolumns.ToArray());
ns.PageSize = 10;   ** Error Here **
ns.PageIndex = 1;   ** And Error Here **
ns.And("Title").Like("%" + SearchTerm + "%");
return ns.ExecuteDataSet().Tables[0];

Now it doesn't recognise ns.PageSize Or ns.PageIndex, the rest of the query works fine?? I see I need to use the new 'Query' tool to be able to use these two, but I can't figure out the Query syntax??

any syntax help appreciated

Best Answer

SubSonic's query syntax is 'fluent', so in your code sample, the Where clause is not be applied to your query. This snippet may work better:

Select ns = new Select(maincolumns.ToArray());
ns = ns.Where("IsLive").IsEqualTo(true)
       .And("Title").Like("%" + SearchTerm + "%")
       .Paged(1, 10); // paging is set here
return ns.ExecuteDataSet().Tables[0];

Also, make sure your 'SearchTerm' has been SQL escaped (or use an alternate calling pattern) or you are vulnerable to SQL injection.

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