Summation of Sum Formula in Crystal Report


I did a summation in one formula say Formula1. Now i created Formula2 which would do summation of Formula1 as Sum({@Formula1}).

But the crystal report gives the error as "The Field could not be summarized". I understand that summation of sum cannot be done, but i need to do this as Formula1 does summation of columns i.e. brings up Total and Formula2 brings up grand Total.

Please Help!


Best Answer

  1. Does your Formula1 always evaluate to a numeric value? For example, if you designed Formula1 to display "-" instead of "0", that would cause the problem for Formula2.

  2. If this is a simple summation, you don't even need a Formula2. Crystal has a built-in alternative. On Formula1, go to right-click->Insert->Summary and choose where you want it (Group Footer or Report Footer)

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