SVN, OSX10.7: SSL handshake failed: SSL error code -1/1/336032856


I'm having trouble accessing an svn repository due to an SSL handshake error. Here's the output I get

$ svn ls
svn: OPTIONS of '': SSL handshake failed: SSL error code -1/1/336032856 (

This started happening after the repository was moved to another server. A new security certificate was issued as well.

I've seen the issue raised here (Handshake failure with "SSL error code -1/1/336032856" on OS X 10.7) and read the faq, but my ssl version is 1.0.1c. I think this is a client side issue, since no other (linux) machines exhibit the problem. I've deleted my ~/.subversion folder and deleted in my keychain anything marked svn or ssl, but still no luck. My guess is there are still security keys stored somewhere that I don't know about. Any ideas?

Best Answer

I had this error too when trying to check out a repository on a server using a self-signed certificate.

You have to meet 2 requirements:

  • the CN (Common Name) in the certificate should match the hostname you're using in the repo URL
  • the ServerName configured in the Virtual Host handling the request should match the URL too.

The latter could be enough.

I was using the default-ssl apache config from Debian which doesn't set any specific ServerName (so the main ServerName from the global Apache config is used). Accessing the repository through the real hostname of the server was working (you just get the "The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority" warning the first time you try to connect) but trying to access it through any other alias (even by its IP) failed with this error.

So the workaround here is to ask the server admin what's the real ServerName (it may be listed in the footer of a 404 error page) or ask him to set it accordingly.


$ svn co https://alias.or.ip.of.the.server.real.hostname/svn/test
svn: OPTIONS of 'https://alias.or.ip.of.the.server.real.hostname/svn/test': SSL negotiation failed: SSL    error code -1/1/336032856 (https://alias.or.ip.of.the.server.real.hostname)

$ svn co https://real.hostname.of.the.server/svn/test
Error validating server certificate for 'https://real.hostname.of.the.server:443':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname: real.hostname.of.the.server
 - Valid: from Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:55:49 GMT until Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:55:49 GMT
 - Issuer: real.hostname.of.the.server
 - Fingerprint: 61:81:26:51:53:26:9a:ea:c1:28:b8:6d:22:13:05:8f:81:1a:ed:67
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?

Store it permanently and you're good to go!